101 N. Port Crescent - Scheduled for Demolition
The building at 101 N. Port Crescent will soon be demolished to make room for the new HCCF Community Hub.
101 N. Port Crescent
The Huron County Community Foundation is pleased to share that site work will soon begin at the future home of the Community Hub. Starting in mid-July 2024, 101 N. Port Crescent will be dismantled to ground level to prepare the site for future development.
HCCF purchased 101 N. Port Crescent in 2020 to support the development of the Community Hub. The property has previously been used as residential units, a CPA office, and a party store. The current footprint of 101 N Port Crescent will become an extension of parking for the new Community Hub.
“We ask that you pardon our dust for a bit.” shared HCCF Executive Director, Mackenzie Price. The project may require temporary lane closures and sidewalk closures around the structure for safety. “The behind-the-scenes work on this project has been nearly nonstop since our purchase of this property in 2020. We can’t wait to have physical progress to share with our community.” added Price.
After a free and open bidding process, facilitated by R.C. Hendrick and Son, Rooney Contracting Co. was awarded the bid for the demolition of the N. Port Crescent building.
Highlighted areas denote buildings or portions of buildings slated for demolition.