Welcoming a Youth Trustee
HCCF welcomes our organization’s first Youth Trustee in 2024
In 1998, the Michigan Youth on Boards Act was passed, giving young people ages 16–17 the opportunity to serve as voting members on nonprofit boards. Since HCCF’s inception in 1994, the Board of Trustees has valued the thoughts and grantmaking of youth through our Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). Effective in 2024, HCCF will continue to amplify youth voices by having a Youth Trustee, serving as a voting member of the Board of Trustees.
2024 Youth Trustee, Reece Wruble (left), with Executive Director, Mackenzie Price (right) at the Huron County Community Foundation Annual Celebration in September 2023.
The students will bring firsthand experiences and intimate knowledge of the challenges faced by their peers. By purposefully including student voices and bridging the gap between different age groups, the Community Foundation benefits from collective wisdom and experiences of both older and younger generations. This collaboration enriches all Board conversations – not just those relevant to youth-serving projects. And it allows for the transfer of knowledge and skills, ensuring a sustainable legacy of philanthropy that adapts and evolves with changing times.
Our Youth Trustee, like all HCCF Trustees, is selected through a Governance Committee process. The inaugural Youth Trustee, serving for 2024, is Reece Wruble. Reece is a Junior at Harbor Beach Community Schools. She attended meetings in a non-voting capacity at the end of 2023 to prepare for her term of service in 2024. Reece has been a member of the HCCF YAC for three years.
“With the addition of a Youth Trustee, we are creating a permanent seat and voice for youth at HCCF. As we continue to discuss retaining and attracting talent, engaging the next generation is imperative. We could not be more excited for Reece to be on the Board and for all of the future Youth Trustees that will add their perspective to our conversations” added Executive Director, Mackenzie Price.
Youth Trustees will be members of the HCCF YAC. If you or your student would like additional information on YAC and how to apply for membership, contact Mackenzie (mackenzie@huroncounty.com).